Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible, Look for a way to lift someone up. And if thats all you do, thats enough.
Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us everyday.
Ensuring that women have equal opportunities and rights in society
Learn About Us
What We Do?
A healthy meal means a healthy mind of a human being.
project type: protected spring
Accesibility to health-care is a priviledge that ought to be enjoyed by many
Education must be free for all children.
A comfortable night is a necessesity to people
We believe in social capital at all levels
Our Goal
Popular Causes
Raised: $10
Goal: $50000
Every Child deserves to eat a decent meal and healthy, This is not the case with most children as they dont have access to healthy and adequate food.
Raised: $30
Goal: $50000
Building more schools improves literacy levels in the village areas. Having this as a fundamental reason improves alot of livelihoods
Donate Now
The value of life is not in its duration, but in its donation. You are not important because of how long you live, you are important because of how effective you live.
Upcoming Events
Initial goal is to source help inform of funds at our main offices. The proceeds will be used to send children back to school.
Join NowMost of the children go back to school with little or no scholastic materials thus we hope to change this so that they can be able to afford to go back to school comfortable enough to sit in their class rooms.
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Become A Volunteer
Helping doesnt stop at giving, it preceds reputation and what are person is willing to sacrifice to see a poor soul happy and growing in love and peace.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet elit. Phasel preti mi facilis ornare velit non vulputa. Aliqu metus tortor, auctor id gravid vivera quis
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet elit. Phasel preti mi facilis ornare velit non vulputa. Aliqu metus tortor, auctor id gravid vivera quis
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet elit. Phasel preti mi facilis ornare velit non vulputa. Aliqu metus tortor, auctor id gravid vivera quis
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Our Blog
The question that perplexes humanity is how do we get around the weak education affirment. Well alot o fcommitment and persistance to do the right thing
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet elit. Neca pretim miura bitur facili ornare velit non vulpte liqum metus tortor